If you have collected your SNAP payments in March, it is time to know when the new Food Stamps will be delivered in April. This is particularly important if you have just applied for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or you have recently gotten approval.
The maximum payment amount for an individual on SNAP is $292. Families of 4, which are very frequent in the United States, can get up to $975. If your household number is 8, you will receive up to $1,756. These maximum amounts are for the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia only.
SNAP payments left in March
The State that has fewer paydays left in March is Kentucky. March 19 will be the last day when SNAP recipients will get their EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card reloaded.
Alabama: March 4-23
Delaware: March 2-23
Florida: March 1-28
Georgia: March 5-23
Indiana: March 5-23
Kentucky: March 1-19
Louisiana: March 1-23
Maryland: March 4-23
Michigan: March 3-21
Mississippi: March 4-21
Missouri: March 1-22
New Mexico: March 1-20
North Carolina: March 3-21
Ohio: March 2-20
Tennessee: March 1-20
Texas: March 1-28
Washington: March 1-20
Puerto Rico: March 4 – 22
If you live in one of the 50 States and you have not applied for SNAP benefits yet, it is possible to do it online. Ask for help if you cannot do it on your own or visit your local office.
SNAP payment schedule for April
First, you will find the 50 States and all the possible padays for SNAP recipients. Then, you will find paydays in the District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
Alabama: March 4 to 23
Alaska: March 1
Arizona: March 1 to 13
Arkansas: March 4 to 13
California: March 1 to 10
Colorado: March 1 to 10
Connecticut: March 1 to 3
Delaware: March 2 to 23
Florida: March 1 to 28
Georgia: March 5 to 23
Hawaii: March 3 to 5
Idaho: March 1 to 10
Illinois: March 1 to 10
Indiana: March 5 to 23
Iowa: March 1 to 10
Kansas: March 1 to 10
Kentucky: March 1 to 19
Louisiana: March 1 to 23
Maine: March 10 to 14
Maryland: March 4 to 23
Massachusetts: March 1 to 14
Michigan: March 3 to 21
Minnesota: March 4 to 13
Mississippi: March 4 to 21
Missouri: March 1 to 22
Montana: March 2 to 6
Nebraska: March 1 to 5
Nevada: March 1 to 10
New Hampshire: March 5
New Jersey: March 1 to 5
New Mexico: March 1 to 20
New York: March 1 to 9
North Carolina: March 3 to 21
North Dakota: March 1
Ohio: March 2 to 20
Oklahoma: March 1 to 10
Oregon: March 1 to 9
Pennsylvania: Only over the first ten workdays in March
Rhode Island: March 1
South Carolina: March 1 to 10
South Dakota: March 10
Tennessee: March 1 to 20
Texas: March 1 to 28
Utah: March 5, 11 and 15
Vermont: March 1
Virginia: March 1 to 7
Washington: March 1 to 20
West Virginia: March 1 to 9
Wisconsin: March 1 to 15
Wyoming: March 1 to 4
Guam: March 1 to 10
Puerto Rico: March 4 to 22
The District of Columbia: March 1 to 10
The U.S. Virgin Islands: March 1
For your information, Alaska and Hawaii will issue the largest SNAP benefit payment in the United States. This is because they have a higher cost of living and inflation has made food prices soar there. Just like in Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Food Stamps are also higher.