SSI: How can I receive State supplementary payments for Supplemental Security Income in 2025?

Some States supplement SSI benefit payments, check if yours gives additional money or not for the Supplemental Security Income in 2025

SSI and State supplements for your monthly payment in 2025

SSI and State supplements for your monthly payment in 2025

The Federal Government can issue SSI payments of up to $967 for individuals if they qualify for the full amount. Eligible married couples can receive up to $1,450. However, it is not the same to live in one State or another. The cost of living may not be the same so some States issue supplementary payments.

In this way, they can help SSI recipients receive a fairer amount so that they can make ends meet. The thing is not all States in the USA issue these supplementary payments.

How to get State supplementary payments for SSI

As a matter of fact, most States already provide supplemental payments to SSI beneficiaries. Therefore, if you live in one of them you should contact your local public assistance office to check if you get them as soon as you qualify for Supplemental Security Income or if you need to apply.

Bear in mind that these supplementary payments vary from State to State. So, even if you qualify for SSI and the supplement, it may not be the same amount as in other States.

Here is the full list of States that do NOT provide SSI recipients with supplementary payments in 2025:

Which States offer supplementary payments for SSI in 2025?

There are three types of States that issue supplementary payments. Some have Social Security administered supplement, others have a State administered supplement and some have dual administration*.

First, you will see those States with Social Security administered supplements or dual ones if they have this symbol: *

Here are the ones with State Administered Supplement

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