The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced that there will be 3 different payment dates from Feb. 26 through March 3, 2025. The paydays will be for retirement benefits, SSDI (Disability Insurance), and SSI (Supplemental Security Income).
Retirees and SSDI recipients whose birthdays are from the 21st to the 31st will collect Social Security on the 26th. As long as you did not receive SSI benefits on February 3 and you began collecting benefits after April 30, 1997.
Social Security first, then SSI direct deposits and checks
Two days after all eligible retirees and SSDI recipients have collected their monthly payments, SSI beneficiaries will get theirs. February 28, 2025, will be the payday for Supplemental Security Income recipients in the United States.
SSI will be delivered for the 3 different groups of recipients. Those who qualified for being 65 years old or older, those who have a disability, or those who are blind. All of them must continue having a low income and limited resources. Or else, they may face overpayments.
SSI checks and direct deposits will be up to $967 if you are an individual. Eligible married couples can receive a Federal payment of up to $1,450. An essential person can get up to $484 only.
Social Security payments on March 3, 2025
Retirees and SSDI recipients who received the SSI payment on the 28 will get their check or direct deposit on March 3. Apart from them, all those Social Security recipients who began on retirement or SSDI before May 1997 also qualify.
Hence, only these two groups will receive a new monthly payment on March 3. The rest of the recipients will have to wait for their Wednesday payment on March 12, 19 or 26.
Not eligible for Social Security yet? Then, you should know that you can get a reduced payment at 62 or the full amount at Full Retirement Age. On average, retirees can get $1,978 and SSDI recipients about $1,580.