The Supplemental Security Income program, commonly known as SSI, usually issues a monthly payment on the first day of the month. However, this is not and will not be the case in January, February, or March.
That is why is so important to pay close attention to the SSI payment schedule in winter 2025. Bear in mind that collecting money from this Federal program means you have a low income. Therefore, it is of vital importance to prepare in advance your monthly expenses, budget, and paydays. By doing so, you will be able to plan your purchases, save money, and get rid of debt.
SSI winter payment schedule
Since winter will last until March 19 approximately, it is time to see when the next two remaining payments are coming. Supplemental Security Income checks will be delivered by the Federal Government on 2 different dates.
If this is the first time you receive SSI payments, you will be surprised by the new date for the March payment. As a matter of fact, all Supplemental Security Income recipients will get a check or direct deposit on January 31, 2025.
Again, the SSI payment will be issued ahead of schedule. What is more, the March payment will be in your bank account on February 28, 2025. For your information, both upcoming payments will include the COLA increase.
SSI payment amounts in winter 2025
The average amount for SSI payments will depend on several factors. For example, the average payment for all workers will be about $715, up from $698, and thanks to the 2.5% COLa increase.
By age, average payments are completely different. For example, if you are aged 65 or older, your SSI payment is about $589, up from $575. Those aged 18-64 will receive a slightly higher check or deposit this winter.
This age group will get a payment of about $762, up from $744. Finally, those recipients under 18 can get an average payment worth $838, up from $818. Thus, they will get $20 extra per month. The maximum amount for an individual after COLA will be $967, while married couples can get up to $1,450.