Last stimulus checks of $1,400 from the IRS arriving in late January, but PFD payments will continue

Since the deadline to claim your stimulus check is fast approaching, these may be the last IRS payments, but not for PFD checks in Alaska

IRS stimulus checks and PFD payments

IRS stimulus checks and PFD payments

Getting extra money in 2025 has become a priority for millions of taxpayers in the United States. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) made an announcement that was so surprising, that many Americans were taken aback. The Agency has decided to send automatic special stimulus checks to taxpayers who filed a 2021 tax return, and qualified for the Recovery Rebate Credit, but they did not claim it.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of taxpayers have collected their stimulus checks from 2021, there are a few who ignore they qualify. The IRS has made a big effort to find out those taxpayers who filed a 2021 tax return and qualify for the credit. If you are in that situation and you did not claim this tax credit, this is when you could receive your payment.

IRS confirms when stimulus checks can be sent

It was in December when the Internal Revenue Service started paying stimulus checks of up to $1,400 to those who filed a 2021 tax return but did not claim the Recovery Rebate Credit.

The IRS has announced that these special stimulus check payments will continue through late January. Bear in mind that if you have not filed your 2021 tax return yet, you can do so now.

However, the IRS has set the deadline to file your 2021 tax return and claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on April 15, 2025. Hire a tax preparer to file if you think you are eligible.

PFD payment will go on after the IRS deadline for stimulus checks

PFD payments are for eligible citizens in Alaska, so it has nothing to do with the IRS stimulus checks. The Department of Revenue in Alaska have confirmed the next two paydays for some eligible bbeneficiaries.

As a matter of fact, the next payment date for PFD recipients will be on February 20. To know if you will receive it on this date or later, you can check the PFD status online.

If it says “Eligible-Not Paid” on February 12, your PFD payment will be delivered on the 20th next month. Not eligible for the PFD payment on Feb, 20? Then check your status on March 12 to see if you are eligible for the March 20, 2025, PFD payment.

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