65-year-olds to get Social Security checks of about $1,622 in February 2025

It is time to prepare your February budget, so check when the Social Security Administration will deliver the upcoming payments in the U.S.

Social Security payment for 65-year-olds

Social Security payment for 65-year-olds

65-year-olds who have already filed for Social Security retirement benefits will get a new payment in February. Bear in mind that the January checks and direct deposits have already been delivered. As early as February 3, some 65-year-olds and other eligible retirees will get money from the Administration.

However, it will only be possible to receive a check or direct deposit if you meet one of these two requirements. One is to be on SSI while on Social Security. The other one is to have collected payments since before May 1997. As for the amount, it will depend on your work and earnings history, but the average amount will be about $1,622.

65-year-olds & Social Security paydays in Feb.

After the February 3 payment, you could also receive money on February 12, 2025. As a matter of fact, you will not receive it if you qualified for the payment on the third.

To get money from Social Security on the 12th you must have been on benefits after April 30, 1997, and have your birthday on any day before the tenth of any month.

If you were born after the 10th but before the 21st, your Social Security payment will be in your bank account on the third Wednesday in February. That will be exactly on February 19th. Were you born after the 20th? If so, your cash will be in your possession on the 26th.

Will 65-year-olds get the Social Security COLA in February too?

Actually, all the Social Security payments will include the 2025 COLA increase. Therefore, they will be 2.5% higher than the check or deposit issued in 2024. The latest COLA prediction for 2026 is not good though.

The Senior Citizens League unveiled the 2026 COLA prediction and it is just about 2.1%. Hence, inflation seems to be cooling down and payments not grow as much as retirees expect.

Nevertheless, this is the first COLA prediction in 2025 and things could change a great deal in just a few months. If you are 65 years old and you have not filed for retirement yet, you should know that if you delay filing until age 70 you will get 24% extra per month. Filing at Full Retirement Age is the only way to get 100% of your benefits.

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