If you get the SSI benefit payment on the 28th, this is the date you may get an SSDI check of $1,580

These SSDI payments will be distributed by the Social Security Administration a few days after the SSI benefit checks and direct deposits arrive

SSDI payment days after the SSI check comes

SSDI payment days after the SSI check comes

Some SSDI recipients have a low income and qualify for another payment, SSI. SSI is the Supplemental Security Income, which gets funding from the Federal Government. Not all Disability Insurance recipients qualify for SSI though.

According to the Administration’s payment schedule, SSI will be delivered on February 28, 2025. Therefore, there has been a change in the normal payday for this Federal benefit. Then, SSDI will be in eligible recipient’s bank accounts on March 3, 2025.

Can I receive SSDI on March 3 if I am not getting SSI on the 28th?

As a matter of fact, not only can those on SSDI and SSI receive their payment on March 3, but it will also be possible if you started receiving Social Security Disability Insurance after April 30, 1997.

Hence, there are two completely different types of recipients who qualify for the March 3 payday. Those who do not qualify for the March 3 payment may want to know the new paydays.

However, it will be easy for them to remember because the SSDI checks and direct deposits will also be sent on the 12th, 19th, and 26th. Just like the paydays in February.

What are the amounts for SSI and SSDI in March?

The maximum amount for SSI will be $1,450. This is the highest benefit payment if you are an eligible married couple. Individuals get less money, their maximum SSI benefit can be up to $967.

On average, SSI payments can be about $714. SSDI payments can be $1,580. It will depend whether your spouse or your child also qualify for Social Security or not whether you get more money or not.

As for the maximum Social Security Disability Insurance payment, people on this benefit can receive up to $4,018, but this is not realistic because few qualify for such a large deposit.