IRS recommends using this accurate tool to find answers to your 2024 tax return doubts

Millions of taxpayers have questions when they are filling out their 2024 tax returns, use this IRS tool to complete it properly in 2025

IRS tool to sort out doubts when you file your 2024 tax return

IRS tool to sort out doubts when you file your 2024 tax return

Many taxpayers feel overwhelmed when they start filling out their 2024 tax returns during the 2025 Tax Season. The IRS is aware of this fact and has made a big effort to support taxpayers by offering useful and updated tools and resources.

Thus, if you would like to quickly find trustworthy answers to any tax question you may have, start using the Internal Revenue Interactive Tax Assistant. Many taxpayers have already used it and it is commonly known as ITA.

How to start using IRS ITA

The Internal Revenue Service allows taxpayers to make use of the ITA tool online. Therefore, all you have to do is visit the official website to start using it. Check the link at the bottom of this article.

Once you are on this IRS website, you will need to choose a topic among the many available. Here’s the full list of topic on ITA:

What if IRS ITA topics do not have what I need?

The search could also be done by typing the keywords of your question. For example, if you are looking for information about “Earned Income Tax Credit” or “Additional Child Tax Credit”, you can simply type it and press enter.

Sometimes you may need to hire a tax professional to sort out your IRS questions. In this way, you will forget about finding the right answer and someone can do it for you but it will imply you must pay for it.

Do not forget to gather all the necessary documents before you start filing your 2024 tax return. The IRS deadline to pay your taxes and file will be April 15, 2025. Hence, do not put it off and file as soon as you can. Visit the ITA website at: