How long do you have to have a Green Card before you can apply for U.S. citizenship in 2025?

If you have already gotten a Green Card, you must be wondering how long you must wait for the application of U.S. citizenship

How long to get U.S. citizenship after you get a Green Card

How long to get U.S. citizenship after you get a Green Card

Are you a Lawful Permanent Resident of 5 years in the United States? Green Card holders who have had this card for 5 years may be eligible for naturalization.

As a matter of fact, the most typical path to United States citizenship through naturalization is to be a Green Card holder for 5 years. So, you have been a lawful permanent resident all this time. In case you do not know what naturalization means, it is the way an alien not born in the U.S. becomes a U.S. citizen voluntarily.

Part 1 – Requirements for Green Card holders

To apply for naturalization, there are a few requirements that Green Card holders must meet. These eligibility requirements will depend on your personal situation. Here is the full list of General Eligibility Requirements:

Part 2 – Requirements for Green Card holders

Once you have checked that you meet all the requirements, those shown above and those shown below, you can visit the official website for more details. See website link below.
