2 Weeks Left to Get an Average $3,453 IRS Tax Refund or a $1,702 PFD Payment

Check if you are eligible for an IRS tax refund payment in March or for a PFD (Permanent Fund Dividend) check in the United States

IRS tax refunds and PFD payments continue in March

IRS tax refunds and PFD payments continue in March

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) takes about 21 days to issue tax refund payments in the United States. This is possible if you meet all the necessary conditions. While some may get money from the Agency, others may receive a PFD direct deposit.

To get money from the IRS on March 20, 2025, you must have filed an electronic tax return on February 27, 2025. Filing electronically is not the only requirement. It is essential to request direct deposit to get a payment within 21 days.

IRS requires accurate and complete returns

In order to receive your tax refund payment within 21 days, you must have filed a correct tax return. Therefore, all the figures you provided are fine and all the credits you claimed, you qualify for them.

On average, tax refund payments are $3,453. Thus, this direct deposit can be much bigger than the one PFD recipients may get in the Great State of Alaska. The amount of the money provided for 2024 by the Permanent Fund Dividend is $1,702.

If you do not know when your tax refund will be delivered, check the IRS tool. Using “Where’s my refund?” is the most reliable way to know if it arrives on time or not.

IRS has more paydays than PFD payments

Do not worry if you are not eligible for the IRS tax refund payment on March 20, 2025. There could be tax refunds delivered on March 21 if you filed on February 28 and everything is fine.

PFD payments will be issued on March 20. To know if you qualify or not, you can check the status on March 12. If it says “Eligible-Not Paid”, this will be your payday. The amount of the PFD will be $1,702 and there are no new paydays announced yet.